Dividends across the ages: Charts
Dividends on the ASX between 2014 and 2020
Mentioned: Rio Tinto Ltd (RIO)
Last week Lex Hall looked at 20 Aussie dividend ideas for 2021. Today I look at dividend performance over the last 6 years on the ASX.
The top 5 dividend payers (total dividend payout) are concentrated among a few big names
Number of times a company was one of the top five dividend payers on the ASX (2014-2020)
Source: Morningstar Direct
The average dividend payout on the ASX has stayed relatively steady over time, despite dipping in 2020
Source: Morningstar Direct
This is despite the number of companies paying dividends rising over time
Source: Morningstar Direct
Morningstar Direct lists just under 1900 companies on the ASX.
The highest dividend payout on the ASX has also trended up slightly over time

That peak in 2019? That's Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO) with $8.97 in dividends.