Nikkei 225 Average PR JPY


Nikkei 225 Average PR JPY 100000018 Strategy

The Nikkei Stock Average, the Nikkei 225 is used around the globe as the premier index of Japanese stocks. More than 70 years have passed since the commencement of its calculation, which represents the history of Japanese economy after the World War II. Because of the prominent nature of the index, many financial products linked to the Nikkei 225 have been created and are traded worldwide while the index has been sufficiently used as the indicator of the movement of Japanese stock markets. The Nikkei 225 is a priceweighted equity index, which consists of 225 stocks in the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.

Markets News & Analysis


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,195.5010.000.12%
CAC 407,916.0874.03-0.93%
DAX 4022,461.52217.22-0.96%
Dow JONES (US)41,583.90715.80-1.69%
FTSE 1008,658.857.27-0.08%
Nikkei 22537,120.33679.64-1.80%
NZX 50 Index12,287.4618.33-0.15%
S&P 5005,580.94112.37-1.97%
S&P/ASX 2007,982.0013.000.16%
SSE Composite Index3,351.3122.44-0.67%

Market Movers