Edding AG


Company Profile

  • Business description

    Edding AG engages in developing, manufacturing and sale of writing and marking and visual communication products. The company’s products include Ecoline, Professional marking, Organize and label at home, Repair and maintain at home, Designing and decorating, Painting and playing, Permanent spray, and Printer. Its products are distributed under the brands edding and Legamaster. Its segments consist of Writing and Marking business segment comprising the edding brand and include markers, writing utensils, spray paints, printer cartridges, toners, nail polish; and Visual Communication business segment comprising the Legamaster brand including flip charts, whiteboards, presentation boards and the corresponding accessories, electronic whiteboards and e-screens.

  • Contact
  • Sector

    Consumer Defensive

    Stock type

  • Industry

    Household & Personal Products

    Fiscal Year End


Stocks News & Analysis

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,185.5039.60-0.48%
CAC 408,008.3022.38-0.28%
DAX 4022,707.33131.70-0.58%
Dow JONES (US)42,454.79132.71-0.31%
FTSE 1008,639.0150.58-0.58%
Nikkei 22537,799.97227.32-0.60%
NZX 50 Index12,305.7928.39-0.23%
S&P 5005,712.2064.45-1.12%
S&P/ASX 2007,969.0030.00-0.38%
SSE Composite Index3,373.755.050.15%

Market Movers