Propel Funeral Partners Ltd


Company Profile

  • Business description

    Propel Funeral Partners Ltd is an Australia-based company engaged in the provision of death care services. The company owns funeral homes, cremation facilities, cemeteries, and related infrastructure in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory, and New Zealand. It offers a range of services and products across death care such as tailored to personal, religious, or ethnic preferences. The Group is organized into two geographic segments, Australian operations, and New Zealand operations, both of which operate in the death care-related services industry. The Group generates the majority of its revenue from the Australia operations.

  • Contact
  • Sector

    Consumer Cyclical

    Stock type

  • Industry

    Personal Services

    Fiscal Year End


Stocks News & Analysis

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,053.20142.30-1.74%
CAC 407,790.71125.37-1.58%
DAX 4022,163.49298.03-1.33%
Dow JONES (US)42,001.76417.861.00%
FTSE 1008,582.8176.04-0.88%
Nikkei 22535,617.561,502.77-4.05%
NZX 50 Index12,240.8529.15-0.24%
S&P 5005,611.8530.910.55%
S&P/ASX 2007,843.40138.60-1.74%
SSE Composite Index3,335.7515.56-0.46%

Market Movers