Acadian Aust Equity Long Short-Class A
Acadian Aust Equity Long Short-Class A FSF3982AU Strategy
Acadian’s investment approach employs structured stock and industry valuation models, which are designed to capture a broad range of relevant characteristics such as value, earnings growth and price-related factors. Stocks that Acadian believes are undervalued will be purchased and overvalued stocks will be selectively short sold. The option will generally maintain a gross long exposure of 130% and a gross short exposure of 30% (130/30), with an upper limit of 150/50. The option does not hedge currency risk.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.
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Morningstar Investment Ideas
Index | Last price | Change | % Change |
All Ordinaries | 8,191.70 | 13.20 | 0.16% |
CAC 40 | 8,067.33 | 53.47 | -0.66% |
DAX 40 | 22,586.27 | 422.67 | -1.84% |
Dow JONES (US) | 42,455.96 | 345.76 | -0.81% |
FTSE 100 | 8,614.18 | 65.70 | -0.76% |
HKSE | 23,783.49 | 447.81 | -1.85% |
NASDAQ | 17,653.07 | 543.15 | -2.98% |
Nikkei 225 | 37,028.27 | 141.10 | 0.38% |
NZX 50 Index | 12,515.97 | 116.19 | 0.94% |
S&P 500 | 5,664.91 | 105.29 | -1.82% |
S&P/ASX 200 | 7,962.30 | 14.10 | 0.18% |
SSE Composite Index | 3,366.16 | 6.38 | -0.19% |