QuayStreet AU Equity


QuayStreet AU Equity 24434 Strategy

The Fund invests predominantly in companies that are in the ASX 200 Index. However there may be an allocation to smaller companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange or with the intention of listing on the ASX. The Fund may also invest in cash, including when there is a lack of suitable investment options available. The Fund’s return is measured in NZ dollars and currency exposure is actively managed in a manner consistent with the investment objectives.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.

Funds News & Analysis

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,195.5010.000.12%
CAC 407,940.6690.02-1.12%
DAX 4022,533.73145.01-0.64%
Dow JONES (US)42,299.70155.09-0.37%
FTSE 1008,672.416.290.07%
Nikkei 22537,120.33679.64-1.80%
NZX 50 Index12,287.4618.33-0.15%
S&P 5005,693.3118.89-0.33%
S&P/ASX 2007,982.0013.000.16%
SSE Composite Index3,351.3122.44-0.67%

Market Movers