Lazard Defensive Australian Equity
Lazard Defensive Australian Equity LAZ0022AU Strategy
The investment strategy of the Fund is to provide investors with access to companies listed on the ASX that Lazard Pacific believes offer sustainably high dividends and capital appreciation potential. The number of stocks will typically depend on our assessment of the premium or discount of stock dividend yields compared to cash yields, and whether the stock market is under- or over-priced. Where Lazard Pacific believes the quality of income opportunities from stocks is limited, the Fund may invest up to 100% of its assets in Cash investments.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.
Funds News & Analysis
Morningstar Investment Ideas
Index | Last price | Change | % Change |
All Ordinaries | 8,195.50 | 10.00 | 0.12% |
CAC 40 | 7,956.78 | 33.33 | -0.42% |
DAX 40 | 22,581.68 | 97.06 | -0.43% |
Dow JONES (US) | 42,299.70 | 155.09 | -0.37% |
FTSE 100 | 8,681.88 | 15.76 | 0.18% |
HKSE | 23,426.60 | 152.20 | -0.65% |
NASDAQ | 17,804.03 | 94.98 | -0.53% |
Nikkei 225 | 37,120.33 | 679.64 | -1.80% |
NZX 50 Index | 12,287.46 | 18.33 | -0.15% |
S&P 500 | 5,693.31 | 18.89 | -0.33% |
S&P/ASX 200 | 7,982.00 | 13.00 | 0.16% |
SSE Composite Index | 3,351.31 | 22.44 | -0.67% |