Ten Cap Alpha Plus Class A


Ten Cap Alpha Plus Class A ETL0069AU Strategy

The fund uniquely blends fundamental and quantitative strategies to develop opportunities to generate alpha. This strategy generates concentrated and uncorrelated alpha from fundamental investing; improving on alpha derived from the breadth of the quantitative process.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.

Ten Cap Alpha Plus Class A News & Analysis


China ban hits Treasury Wine hardest, but value seen

The bad news is priced in Australia’s biggest wine producer, Morningstar analysts say. 

Buy now, regret later? How Afterpay is dividing punters and pundits

Its record run has seduced retail investors, but fund managers are less willing to jump on.

Pandemic exposes absolute return underperformance

Some funds aiming to deliver positive returns in both rising and falling markets missed expectations during the sell-off.

Morningstar Investment Ideas


Last price
% Change
All Ordinaries8,419.3059.50-0.70%
CAC 408,199.7188.081.09%
DAX 4023,147.02595.592.64%
Dow JONES (US)43,191.24649.67-1.48%
FTSE 1008,871.3161.570.70%
Nikkei 22537,112.59672.88-1.78%
NZX 50 Index12,440.99109.06-0.87%
S&P 5005,849.72104.78-1.76%
S&P/ASX 2008,196.2049.50-0.60%
SSE Composite Index3,316.670.26-0.01%

Market Movers