Selector Australian Equities
Selector Australian Equities DDH0002AU Strategy
Selector will build a concentrated portfolio of Australian equities. The majority of investments will be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). From time to time, Selector may acquire an investment in an unlisted security where there is a clear strategy for listing on the ASX. This class of investment is restricted to 5% of the portfolio unless otherwise approved by the Responsible Entity. Selector will not purchase derivatives or short sell securities.
The investment objective & strategy is a summary of the investment's principal strategy as written in the prospectus. This information is pulled from the most recent product disclosure document.
Morningstar Investment Ideas
Index | Last price | Change | % Change |
All Ordinaries | 8,680.50 | 27.80 | 0.32% |
CAC 40 | 7,826.73 | 55.78 | 0.72% |
DAX 40 | 21,258.38 | 216.38 | 1.03% |
Dow JONES (US) | 44,025.81 | 537.98 | 1.24% |
FTSE 100 | 8,577.62 | 29.33 | 0.34% |
HKSE | 19,778.77 | 327.78 | -1.63% |
NASDAQ | 19,756.78 | 126.58 | 0.64% |
Nikkei 225 | 39,646.25 | 618.27 | 1.58% |
NZX 50 Index | 13,037.14 | 15.76 | -0.12% |
S&P 500 | 6,049.24 | 52.58 | 0.88% |
S&P/ASX 200 | 8,429.80 | 27.40 | 0.33% |
SSE Composite Index | 3,213.62 | 29.00 | -0.89% |