Morningstar® Essentials™
Tell the story of your investments with research and ratings investors trust.
Why choose Morningstar Essentials?

Building investor confidence with integrity
We’re evaluating investments from the viewpoint of an investor. You can use our independent metrics to validate important details about your funds—like how your funds stack up to their peers or if we expect them to outperform over a full market cycle.

Expanded coverage to move the industry forward
What do investors care about? Their preferences change over time. We too are constantly evolving, from our new sustainability metrics to the Morningstar Quantitative RatingTM for funds.

Showing the power of a fund beyond its returns
There’s no limit to what you can do. With access to our full lineup of ratings and research you can promote the strengths of your fund in new ways, like pointing out its manager’s distinct approach to stock picking or to provide context for a rating.
What You Can Get With Essentials?
Are you sending the right message to investors about your firm’s funds? Use trusted investment research to connect with them.
The Basics
Use proprietary metrics you know, like the Morningstar RatingTM and the Morningstar Style BoxTM.
Forward-Looking Ratings
Use our forward-looking analysis, including the new Quantitative Rating, as a powerful way to differentiate your products.
Sustainability and Carbon Metrics
Demonstrate how well companies in your fund’s portfolio manage the environmental, social, and governance or ESG investing factors.
Peer Comparisons
Use our category ranks and returns, ESG, and carbon peer comparisons.
Research Reports
Unlimited distribution of Morningstar reports including the Global Fund Report and our sustainability report.
Ready to see for yourself?
Use Morningstar Essentials to differentiate your investments.