Getting started
Morningstar State of Retirement Report
Morningstar’s State of Retirement Income report has reassessed the 4% rule, taking into consideration the current market environment and our outlook for future returns. We believe 4% may be too aggressive and all things being equal we suggest retirees should instead target a 3.3% withdrawal rate. Rather than simply relying on a rule we offer investors options for how to adjust their portfolio and retirement strategies to account for a future of lower returns.
Shani Jayamanne | 23 November 2021
A year-end bucket to-do list
These six steps tackle a lot of jobs: refilling cash, rebalancing and tax planning.
Christine Benz | 22 December 2020
The bucket approach to retirement allocation
A diversified portfolio with various time frames can help you meet your income needs during retirement.
Christine Benz | 26 July 2022
Does your retirement portfolio spark joy?
As with decluttering your home, winnowing down your number of accounts - and the holdings within them - can be incredibly clarifying.
Christine Benz | 26 March 2019
Thirty years on, where is super going?
Safeguarding super’s purpose will ensure Australia's world-class superannuation industry continues meeting the needs of future generations.
Christine St Anne | 30 June 2022
How to estimate how much you need for retirement
We walk through the process of calculating the amount of money needed to support your retirement | 01 October 2022