Behavioural Finance Hub

Financial markets aren’t filled with perfectly rational participants. Even professional investors, who make their living conducting investment research, see a persistent gap between real and reported returns.

Behavioural finance digs into the psychological reasons behind why we spend, save, and invest the way we do. In this hub, we’re showcasing our behavioural finance team’s studies of how people make decisions about risk, money, and investing.

With a better understanding of human behaviour, investors can make better choices, and advisers can help clients reach their goals.

As a financial adviser, behavioural coaching is one of the most valuable things you can do for clients.

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Research library

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Investor Asset Appetite: Are alternative investment trends distracting your clients?

New investing trends can excite industry experts and individual investors alike. However, trending assets are not always a good fit for a client’s portfolio, and the desire to own them can be influenced by behavioural biases. To provide better support to clients as they consider the expanding investment landscape, it’s important to understand how investors are thinking about opportunities to invest in them.

This report examines how investors are thinking about a variety of trending investments and the difficulties faced when interacting with these assets.


Financial Adviser Faux Pas: Inadvertent Mistakes and Their Impact on Adviser-Client Relations

The adviser-client relationship is critical to both parties’ financial success. Building these relationships is key, but understanding what breaks these relationships down is equally as important.

In this report, Morningstar’s researchers identify common adviser behaviours and actions, such as using financial jargon and inadequately explaining fees, that may unintentionally trouble clients and damage the adviser-client relationship. Through understanding these behaviours, advisers can both maintain positive relationships with their clients and effectively mitigate the impact of faux pas when they do occur.

Download the report now to gain valuable knowledge on how to avoid pitfalls, strengthen trust, and foster lasting financial adviser-client relationships.

Meet our behavioural finance team

Dr. Ryan O. Murphy (Global Head of Behavioural Insights)

Ryan O. Murphy, Ph.D., is the Global Head of Behavioural Insights for Morningstar and a member of the behavioural insights group.

Ryan’s research is interdisciplinary, bringing together methods from experimental economics, cognitive psychology, and mathematical modeling. The focus of his research is to better understand how people make decisions, especially about risk, money, and investing.

Samantha Lamas (Senior Behavioural Researcher)

Samantha Lamas is a senior behavioural researcher at Morningstar. She is a recipient of the Montgomery-Warschauer Award for her research in financial planning.

Samantha’s research focuses on investor engagement and the factors that drive people's decision-making about investing and money. Her work delves into financial goals, seeking financial advice, and what mental shortcuts people use when making decisions about their personal finances.

Dr. Danielle Labotka (Behavioural Scientist)

Danielle Labotka, Ph.D., is a behavioural scientist for Morningstar. Danielle conducts original research to understand how investor and adviser behaviours and biases affect financial decision-making.

As a financial adviser, behavioural coaching is one of the most valuable things you can do for clients.

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