Providing investors with the tools they need to thrive: Shani’s top articles from May
Morningstar’s Senior Investment Specialist provided tools and insights for investor to achieve their goals.
Investors are inundated with guidance. And it can be overwhelming. Jargon is everywhere. It is hard to know who to trust and who is providing self-interested and the incentives in the financial services industry.
I spent May like I spend every month. Trying to provide investors at any level with straightforward advice on how to achieve their goals.
I’ve picked an eclectic mix of articles to feature. One article idea even came to me in a dream. That is right. I had a dream about Dollarmites.
Top articles in May
Did you ever have a Dollarmites account? It was created by CBA as a savings tool for young Australians, but turned out to be one of the largest child-targeting marketing schemes that bolstered their customer base. I've written on some valuable lessons we can take from the scheme and why often, winning as investors means losing as consumers.
Ever had a Dollarmites account? It teaches us some valuable lessons but not the ones CBA touted
Personal finance is just that – personal. Models and examples based on general circumstances are great for illustrative purposes, but you will always get more out of applications to your own circumstances. We've put together an article with our latest spreadsheets that can help you understand your investment strategy and financial position better. They include calculators for personal inflation, growing your passive income, paying off your mortgage vs investing and SMSF vs industry and retail superfund costs.
Our free personal finance calculators
Investors are religious about quality or growth. It does not need to be an either/or exercise. Both types of stocks can serve investors and help them reach their financial goals. These two articles look at both types of stocks in depth and the investors that they may suit.
Are growth stocks for you?