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Personal Finance News

Aging changes priorities and your approach to life should change as well
How we age has significant implication on how we should live and think about money. 

When you should pay off your HECS/HELP debt

We’re told there’s no point paying off your HECS/HELP debt. Are there circumstances where you should?

Our finances should enable and not dictate our lives

Most people would prefer to have more money than less of it. But at what point do the trappings of wealth and success start to outweigh the benefits of striving for more?

Dividend Aristocrats

This week’s Investing Compass episode discusses the implications of investing in the Aussie market, where no Australian company has raised dividends for a period of 25 years.

Decoding stock picks from experts

The media is filled with picks from financial professionals. Here is how to use them to help you achieve your investment goals.   

This week’s best investing insights

Stay up to date with our best investment opportunities and insights on investing.

How to successfully pick an investment property

Australia’s top buyers agent lays down her strategy.

What European soccer dynasties can teach us about investing

Understanding the system that brings about a result is just as important as the result itself. 

Dollar cost averaging vs lump sum investing

What is the meaning of life? Am I a cat person or a dog person? We try to answer an easier age-old question – dollar cost averaging vs lump sum investing.

LICs vs ETFs

In a listener requested episode, we look at LICs vs ETFs, and why an investor may choose one over the other.

3 factors that enable financial advisers to improve returns by 3%

An understanding of how advisers add value allows self-directed investors to set themselves up for success.

Transitioning to a ‘grown up’ portfolio

What do you do when you have made investments in the past that you no longer believe in?

Why it pays to take your super seriously early

This week’s Investing Compass episode goes through what you’re missing out on by delaying reviewing your super.

My disinterest in investments as an investment specialist

Going against the grain and focusing on the real drivers of investment success

3 lessons to incorporate into your investment approach

Insights from academic research with a real-world filter.  

3 cheap fully franked stocks

And how income investors can pay no net tax on dividends in 2024
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