TREASURYS News & Analysis

What's driving the historic bear market for bonds?
Fixed Income
What's driving the historic bear market for bonds?
Six charts on the bond market's big selloff and where it may go from here.
Lauren Solberg | 04 May 2022
What if inflation isn’t dead?
What if inflation isn’t dead?
When covid finally subsides, pent-up demand could explode, and, as history shows, prices could follow, writes John Rekenthaler.
John Rekenthaler | 17 August 2020
Bonds no longer boring as returns soar
Bonds no longer boring as returns soar
US and Australian government bonds have posted returns of up to 13.5 per cent, writes Anthony Fensom.
Anthony Fensom | 16 July 2019
Does the yield inversion really signal a recession?
Fixed Income
Does the yield inversion really signal a recession?
The rare inverted yield curve environment today does not determine the markets tomorrow explains Dan Kemp, chief investment officer, EMEA at...
Dan Kemp | 02 April 2019