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SUPER TAX News & Analysis

How to retire early
Personal Finance
How to retire early
Three things to consider when planning for an early retirement. 
Mark LaMonica, CFA | 03 July 2024
Taxing unrealised super capital gains – is there a better idea?
Taxing unrealised super capital gains – is there a better idea?
The efficacy and fairness of establishing an unrealised gains tax regime will hopefully be hotly debated at the next election. We need better ideas...
John Abermethy | 30 May 2024
$3 million super tax coming whether we’re ready or not
$3 million super tax coming whether we’re ready or not
A Senate Committee reported back last week with a majority recommendation to pass the $3 million super tax unaltered. It seems that the tax is...
Meg Heffron | 19 May 2024
10 reasons owning your home beats super in retirement
10 reasons owning your home beats super in retirement
Since the introduction of compulsory super, the industry has pushed its members to put as much as possible into super. It has been a disservice to...
Graham Hand | 18 April 2024
New tax gives incentive to move money out of super
New tax gives incentive to move money out of super
The new super tax is a heavy surcharge on long-term investments because most of the gains from growth assets come from value gains which are mainly...
Ashley Owen | 04 October 2023
Investing Compass: Market outlook: 3 steps to financial independence
Personal Finance
Investing Compass: Market outlook: 3 steps to financial independence
Everyone’s definition of financial independence is different. We explore how to achieve the foundations of financial independence in three...
Shani Jayamanne | 06 September 2023
8 investment pools in the new tax hierarchy
8 investment pools in the new tax hierarchy
The new tax on super over $3 million brings alternatives into play for tax efficiency. For investors who can be bothered juggling different types of...
Graham Hand | 29 May 2023
Six ways the Budget Office is probing super taxes
Six ways the Budget Office is probing super taxes
The Parliamentary Budget Office has released its first 'super explainer' and it shows how they think - and perhaps reveals future targets.
Graham Hand | 04 May 2023
Most people (and the ATO) do not know their super tax
Most people (and the ATO) do not know their super tax
The method used to calculate the new $3 million super tax has uncovered a key issue. Nobody holds a consolidated view of taxable income on super, not...
Graham Hand | 16 March 2023