GOVERNANCE News & Analysis

Amazon asked by investors to explain working conditions
Amazon asked by investors to explain working conditions
The same proposal earned over 40% support in a 2022 annual meeting, or more than half the independent vote.
Ruth Saldanha | 19 January 2023
Common sense prevails: New proxy advice regulations overturned by the Senate
Common sense prevails: New proxy advice regulations overturned by the Senate
Morningstar believes this is the best outcome for investors.
Erica Hall | 10 February 2022
Covid, women and investment risk
Covid, women and investment risk
Covid-19 has disrupted lives across the world - but the burden has not been borne evenly. Has the pandemic set us back on gender equality?
Sustainalytics | 07 March 2021
Which fund groups lead on ESG?
Which fund groups lead on ESG?
A new metric from Morningstar helps investors gauge which asset managers take ESG to heart.
Hortense Bioy, CFA | 18 November 2020
What is ESG?
What is ESG?
From climate change to workers' rights, ESG is a big part of the investing world. We're at the Morningstar whiteboard board to explain what it means...
Holly Black | 16 November 2020
Should ESG funds hold mining stocks?
Should ESG funds hold mining stocks?
Investors may have to consider mining companies in their portfolio, despite their history of controversies.
James Gard | 29 September 2020
Responsible investment funds notch up decade of outperformance
Responsible investment funds notch up decade of outperformance
Beating their mainstream peers on a one, three, five and 10-year basis, a new report reveals.
Emma Rapaport | 08 September 2020
ESG stocks shine in covid-19 crisis
ESG stocks shine in covid-19 crisis
Morningstar analyst Tancrede Fulop singles out a few companies that have performed well and also led the way in looking after staff. 
Holly Black | 22 July 2020
US attempts to throttle ESG investing
US attempts to throttle ESG investing
The Department of Labor recommends holding ESG investors to a higher legal standard.
John Rekenthaler | 20 July 2020
ESG investing is about long-term risk management
ESG investing is about long-term risk management
Sustainable investing isn't just about values, it's about managing risks that affect all investors.
15 July 2020