GOVERNANCE News & Analysis
The same proposal earned over 40% support in a 2022 annual meeting, or more than half the independent vote.
Ruth Saldanha | 19 January 2023
Morningstar believes this is the best outcome for investors.
Erica Hall | 10 February 2022
Covid-19 has disrupted lives across the world - but the burden has not been borne evenly. Has the pandemic set us back on gender equality?
Sustainalytics | 07 March 2021
A new metric from Morningstar helps investors gauge which asset managers take ESG to heart.
Hortense Bioy, CFA | 18 November 2020
From climate change to workers' rights, ESG is a big part of the investing world. We're at the Morningstar whiteboard board to explain what it means...
Holly Black | 16 November 2020
Investors may have to consider mining companies in their portfolio, despite their history of controversies.
James Gard | 29 September 2020
Beating their mainstream peers on a one, three, five and 10-year basis, a new report reveals.
Emma Rapaport | 08 September 2020
Morningstar analyst Tancrede Fulop singles out a few companies that have performed well and also led the way in looking after staff.
Holly Black | 22 July 2020
The Department of Labor recommends holding ESG investors to a higher legal standard.
John Rekenthaler | 20 July 2020
Sustainable investing isn't just about values, it's about managing risks that affect all investors.
15 July 2020
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