DAVE SEKERA News & Analysis
Dave Sekera examines the major contrasts between the two administrations when it comes to tax policy, international relations, and infrastructure and...
David Sekera, CFA | 23 October 2020
Morningstar's Dave Sekera on what consumer trends during the pandemic have meant, and will mean, for companies in technology, hospitality, and...
David Sekera, CFA | 20 October 2020
As the Trump-Biden showdown nears and vaccine trials continue, headlines may lead to volatility, but we expect the economic rebound to keep on,...
David Sekera, CFA | 07 October 2020
Amid such a painful downturn and the ensuing demand shock, it's crucial to consider companies that are in sound financial health, says Dave Meats.
Dave Meats, CFA | 22 April 2020