Transitioning to a ‘grown up’ portfolio
Personal Finance
Transitioning to a ‘grown up’ portfolio
What do you do when you have made investments in the past that you no longer believe in?
Shani Jayamanne | 13 February 2025
A capital gains tax discount is legitimate but how much?
Personal Finance
A capital gains tax discount is legitimate but how much?
Like negative gearing, discounted capital gains tax, is criticised for giving investors an edge over first-home buyers. A discount is justified but...
Graham Hand | 07 October 2024
Taxing unrealised super capital gains – is there a better idea?
Taxing unrealised super capital gains – is there a better idea?
The efficacy and fairness of establishing an unrealised gains tax regime will hopefully be hotly debated at the next election. We need better ideas...
John Abermethy | 30 May 2024
Why Australia is obsessed with housing
Personal Finance
Why Australia is obsessed with housing
Australia is arguably obsessed with property, seemingly more than most other countries. What drives this obsession and is it rational?
James Gruber | 01 June 2023
$5 million cap punishes 30 years of super saving
$5 million cap punishes 30 years of super saving
A house bought 40 years ago is capital gains tax-free. So why should the person who decided to forego the extravagant home and invest in super be...
Graham Hand | 16 February 2023
Tax time demands action now
Personal Finance
Tax time demands action now
Financial advisers list some key actions investors can take before June 30 to minimise any hit from the taxman.
Nicki Bourlioufas | 28 June 2022
How tax hikes, carbon tariffs and inflation affect Aussie investors
How tax hikes, carbon tariffs and inflation affect Aussie investors
Short term volatility looms as structural change in the global economy continues, according to a survey of money managers, tax specialists and...
Lewis Jackson | 30 April 2021