Ask the analyst: Did the rise of passive doom Platinum and Perpetual?
Ask the analyst: Did the rise of passive doom Platinum and Perpetual?
A reader asked what is behind the poor performance of Platinum and Perpetual shares in recent years. Shaun Ler stepped in to answer.
Joseph Taylor | 19 November 2024
Are changes in investor preferences hurting returns?
Personal Finance
Are changes in investor preferences hurting returns?
Innovation in the financial services industry is providing us with more choice...but at what cost?
Mark Lamonica | 12 November 2024
Only 2.4% of companies deliver all net shareholder wealth
Only 2.4% of companies deliver all net shareholder wealth
Over decades, relatively few companies generate all the stockmarket's outperformance. Is this an argument for passive investing or does it prove...
Graham Hand | 02 October 2024
Legendary investor: markets are less efficient and social media is the big culprit
Legendary investor: markets are less efficient and social media is the big culprit
Despite an explosion in data, investment titan, Cliff Asness, believes the market has become less efficient, not more, over his 34-year career. He...
James Gruber | 24 September 2024
Active funds fell short of passive peers in latest research by Morningstar
Personal Finance
Active funds fell short of passive peers in latest research by Morningstar
Long-term trends and low costs can help investors decide between active and passive funds.
28 August 2024
Are markets broken?
Are markets broken?
Famed investor David Einhorn says passive investing has broken markets and it's forced him to change his investment style to stay in business. How...
James Gruber | 26 February 2024
Index funds have officially won
Index funds have officially won
Now what?
John Rekenthaler | 13 February 2024
Blending active and passive into a winning portfolio
Blending active and passive into a winning portfolio
When looking at long-term equity index charts, it’s easy to forget the individual stocks underpinning the indices don’t move as a unified block. This...
Duncan Burns | 12 December 2023
Where do active managers add value?
Where do active managers add value?
Morningstar’s inaugural report comparing active and passive funds in Australia has uncovered where funds prove their worth to investors.
Christine St Anne | 15 November 2023
Active vs. passive in listed real estate
Active vs. passive in listed real estate
Deciding whether to use an active or passive vehicle for the different allocations within an investment portfolio is an important decision that...
Steven Le | 12 November 2023