SYDNEY - [AAP] Rio Tinto (ASX: RIO) has agreed to offload a bundle of aluminium assets including an Icelandic smelter for a total $345 million.

Rio received a binding offer from Norway's Hydro for the smelter, a 53.3 per cent stake in an aluminium anode plant in the Netherlands, and its half share of an aluminium fluoride plant in Sweden.

Rio Tinto aluminium chief executive Alf Barrios said the deal should secure the long-term future of the sites and benefit shareholders.

Rio Tinto has been seeking to divest all but its best-performing units.

"The binding offer for the sale of these assets provides further evidence of Rio Tinto's commitment to strengthen our business and deliver value by streamlining our portfolio," Mr Barrios said in a statement released after Monday's market close.

Rio Tinto shares were up 70.5 cents, or 0.87 per cent, at $81.305, at 1000 AEDT on Tuesday.


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