Download the August 2022 Market Index Performance report (PDF).

UPDATE: Morningstar Indexes has restated the index levels and constituents for the Morningstar Australia and New Zealand Target Allocation Index series from 1st July 2022 through 5th December 2022.

The restatement is due to the incorrect application of constituent indexes for the international property asset class from the 1st July 2022 reconstitution onwards. The non-hedged variant of the constituent indexes was applied to the international property asset class rather than the intended hedged variant.

The restatement reflects corrected index performance and constituents using the hedged variant as the constituent for international property, as follows:

  • Morningstar Global ex-Australia REIT NR Hdg AUD (for Morningstar Australia Target Allocation Indexes)
  • Morningstar Global ex-Australia REIT NR Hdg NZD (for Morningstar New Zealand Target Allocation Indexes)

This does not impact constituent weightings or other index constituents.

Read the full announcement.