Below is our latest coverage of the coronavirus sell-off including daily market updates and commentary from head of equity research Peter Warnes.

It's natural to worry about the impact of coronavirus on your investments. As Morningstar’s head of behavioural sciences Steve Wendel puts it, panic is a social phenomenon, whether it’s panicked selling of investments or panicked buying of toilet paper.

To be sure, expect volatility in the short run. The economic hit to 2020 will be significant, and prolonged disruption will have an impact on the cash flows of many companies. 

But Morningstar analysts believe the collective global effort to lead to containment of the outbreak sometime over the next nine months.

"We expect near-term impact to be savage, shaving off 2 percentage points from global GDP growth," Morningstar director of equity research Johannes Faul says in a special report on the coronavirus.

"However, we anticipate a vaccine ready to be deployed by mid- to late 2021, setting the stage for a return to normality."

During periods of market volatility or where prices fall, it's often a time where you should consider adding more to your investments rather than taking them away. Warren Buffett always says that he likes his stocks the way he likes his socks: on sale.

To make sure you’re headed in the right direction, we're curated a list of our latest coronavirus coverage. 

Latest updates:

5 new quality cheap stocks for your watchlist27 March

Investing basics: understanding ETF discounts and premiums during turbulent times27 March

Prem Icon The virus will run its course but the pain of record debt will become more acute26 March

[Video] How to avoid dividend cuts27 March

Coronavirus special report

Prem Icon Coronavirus: Market Temperature Check | Full report

  • Coronavirus impact: will video streaming get a boost? - 26 March
  • Coronavirus: dividends are at risk - 26 March
  • Coronavirus: How will volatility affect financial services? - 26 March
  • Coronavirus impacts and opportunities: where to find quality companies 25 March
  • Coronavirus impact: will e-commerce offset lower foot traffic?25 March

For access to a list of 40 best ideas named in the report subscribe to Morningstar Premium or take a free trial.

Our perspective on the markets

Peter Warnes commentary (Premium)

Investment opportunities

Prem Icon

How to protect your financial well-being

  • Tips for trading ETFs as volatility spikes - 24 March
  • Early super access, drawdown, deeming measures: what the emergency stimulus means for you - 24 March
  • Taking action or locking in the losses? - 24 March
  • Investing basics: how to set up an emergency fund in 5 steps - 23 March
  • Insights from the history’s downturns and recoveries - 19 March
  • [Video] Taking control in time of corona - 17 March
  • Investing basics: how young investors can survive and prosper in a bear market -16 March
  • Coronavirus: our responsibility to help manage the impact16 March

Coronavirus impact on industries, companies and financial products

As it happens | daily market updates

  • Daily updates for Morningstar Premium subscribers - click here
  • If you're not a Premium subscriber - click here

A letter from Morningstar Inc.'s CEO - 19 March

We are evaluating our coverage for you during these times of uncertainty. If you have questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you at [email protected].