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This four-part webinar series is designed to help guide you with the knowledge needed to better understand ETFs and determine what could be the best fit for your portfolio.

Tuesday 4 March: Everything you wanted to know about ETFs and were scared to ask

Mark will discuss the safety of your investment, the mechanism for keeping an ETF price tied to the underlying assets and how this compares to managed funds and LICs and the best time to buy and sell ETFs.


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Tuesday 11 March: Traditional passive ETFs

Mark will cover traditional passive ETFs that track broad indexes and will focus on how to pick the right ETF for you and Morningstar’s top picks.


Webinar materials

Tuesday 18 March: Thematic and factor ETFs

Mark will explore thematic and factor ETFs and will discuss potential pitfalls, how to pick the right ETF for you and Morningstar’s top picks.

Tuesday 25 March: Using ETFs to generate income

Mark will highlight why an ETF might not be right for your portfolio, the dangers of overtrading and the difference between passive investing and actively investing with passive ETFs.

Presented by:

Mark LaMonica, Director of Personal Finance, Morningstar Australia.

Duration: 60 minutes per webinar

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