Retirement News

How to talk to your family about your will
Parents are often uncomfortable talking to their adult children about personal matters, but there are many benefits in having such a conversation.
How to talk to your family about your will
How to talk to your family about your will
The 4% rule explained

The 4% rule explained

The safe withdrawal rate is one of the most important components in retirement planning but many people don’t understand the basis of the rule. 
Morningstar superannuation survey

Morningstar superannuation survey

The top performing superannuation funds.
Mark to market: Should you invest outside of super?

Mark to market: Should you invest outside of super?

Mark answers a reader question about investing outside of super. 
Are mega super funds’ returns set to fall?

Are mega super funds’ returns set to fall?

While the performance of the largest super funds has been admirable, they’ve become so big that it will make it difficult for them to outperform their benchmarks in future. It will be important for you to pick your fund wisely.
Is the Retirement Income Covenant really the right answer?

Is the Retirement Income Covenant really the right answer?

The world and Australia’s retirement landscape have changed a lot since 2020. If the RIC is to achieve its goals, a wider spread of responsibility and a rethink across all five pillars of retirement planning are needed.
Chart of the week: You likely have 20%+ exposure to this asset class in retirement

Chart of the week: You likely have 20%+ exposure to this asset class in retirement

This week's chart of the week looks at the pros and cons of private assets.
SMSF assets hit $1 trillion for the first time

SMSF assets hit $1 trillion for the first time

Latest figures reveal the estimated assets of SMSFs have topped $1 trillion for the first time. It’s quite an achievement for a sector not yet 40 years old, and it’s been driven by new members and recent asset returns. 
Are we being ripped off by super?

Are we being ripped off by super?

I admire a good deal about super but there is room for improvement. 
10 principles for staying vital, happy and sharp as you age

10 principles for staying vital, happy and sharp as you age

Insights from US-based scientist, John Medina, who specialises in human brain development and the genetics of psychiatric disorders.
What returns do you need for a comfortable retirement?

What returns do you need for a comfortable retirement?

The math behind your retirement outcomes. 
Is cognitive decline a risk to your retirement?

Is cognitive decline a risk to your retirement?

New research reveals undiagnosed cognitive decline can cost retirees tens of thousands of dollars through bad investments or financial scams.
The rising tension between housing debt and retirement balances

The rising tension between housing debt and retirement balances

Australians are taking more mortgage debt into their 60s than ever before. Retirement planning assumptions haven’t adapted, meaning that future income projections could disappoint retirees.
A guide to valuing SMSF assets correctly

A guide to valuing SMSF assets correctly

SMSF trustees are required to value all fund assets, including property, at market value when preparing the fund's financial statements each year. Here are some key tips to ensure that you get it right.
Are industry super funds too big to be successful?

Are industry super funds too big to be successful?

Warren Buffett warned of the perils of size when it comes to asset pools. Will industry super fall victim to suze?
How much does it really cost to run an SMSF?

How much does it really cost to run an SMSF?

Use our free calculator to compare the cost against an industry or retail super fund
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